Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Low Cost Ways to Improve Your health

Last night was Part 1 of Low Cost Ways to Improve Your Health, in which I talked about improving your health through food, and ways to afford it.  In tonight's episode, Part 2, I talked about various ideas for exercising without buying expensive equipment, getting the effects of herbal supplements without spending $10-30 on a bottle of capsules, and I gave a list of basic kitchen staples that are among the lower-cost of the organic foods, and which will also fill you up without messing up your blood sugar, so you will feel like eating less, and you can save on food and medicine costs.

Listen to the show, then come back here to add any suggestions you may have on how to afford healthy food, exercise, and supplements.  (I'm looking for tips here, not advertisements, self-promotion, or spam comments.)  If your idea sounds good, I'll share it with all the listeners in a future podcast!

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